Sunday, February 24, 2008

a purpose?

I am going to lay out an opinion, and it is an opinion because i have not much real knowledge of the issues but i readily feel the effects of the issues everyday. The Church in america is in a particular situation!

What i see is that the television is a major part of life here in america. I have seen numerous news broadcasts that would be talking about lifestyles and during the show, the broadcaster, or whoever, could use a phrase to illustrate a "poor" or "bad" lifestyle by stating that they, he, or she could not even have or watch a TV. TV is stated like it is a necessity. I mean, for the love of Pete, the TV has made it, generally, into every household in america. (Yet, oddly enough i have been in many places that have had no TV)

I bring this up because it is very influential. I go to work and the daily talk is about what was on last night on the various television shows. Various sports can be watched in the comfort of one's home due to the TV. Ambitious politicians have virtual access to more homes and families then most governments have ever dreamed of. The media also has a unique way of presenting the news because the video camera has it's own interpretation as opposed to a text in a newspaper. In small words, it is very influential.

I, then, think that a large portion of the influence towards people of the idea of what Christianity is about comes from the TV. This comes from the stations such as TBN or some of the interviews on CNN or news channels/shows or whatever else of that nature. What then happens is that there becomes a silent consensus that relates better to, or is aligned with what this idea that is presented on TV. Therefore, there becomes churches that become better aligned with or related to the idea presented on the TV.

I protest the idea of Christianity that is largely presented on TV. I really think that the ideas that are more generally presented across the air waves is not Christianity. When people can say that a Joel Olsteen represents Christianity, we should know that we are not doing well. I cannot quote but i did hear Olsteen say on CNN that he was not preaching but motivating or uplifting or something of that nature, yet he has a pulpit and a large stage and a larger church. Likewise, what about the preachers on TBN? If i listened to the preachers on that channel, then i would become broke and poor simply by giving to those who seemingly do not need the money. It seems like every one of those preachers is asking for a "gift or seed."

Yet, i think that they are missing some key issues on being church. That is . . . being the body of Christ and doing justice. It is hard to be a body of Christ when the majority of the congregation does not know each other (especially when it is due to the majority that is watching the program on tv in the comfort of their private homes). I think that the unity, commitment and relationships are vital to everything that it means to be Christian. This is also where justice comes to play, because it is hard to be just or to help those who you do not know. I mean, why should i give my money to mike murdock when i have people close to me that are starving?

I will admit that i feel like i am not well off monetarily. I could use help every now and again, but at least i have a roof (someone's floor) over my head for now. How much better could i be? I try. I have thought about what i could do if the pastor/board members lessened the symphony at the "Crystal Cathedral" to help out my family and our bills, or sold that gold cross for that matter.

I am just venting.


Dan said...

I had never thought that the silent consensus of what the church is on TV could possible be actually affecting the church; yet I believe there is truth in that.

So, what is a struggling Christian culture to do?

c.blake said...

I am unsure. I think that there is a lot of aspects of our lives that go untouched by critical thoughts, aspects as democracy or consumer capitalism or even technology. Therefore, thought and discussion about how we live is maybe a start.
I think that the tv has an unreal sort of influence to people. I think that the shows, regardless of what shows they are, are really teaching and influencing the watchers. I have heard reading explained as expanding the mind. well, i think that goes true for television too. Only the actual act happens differently, if we can call it that. Many people can watch countless hours of tv. If i let them, my children would attest to that. But it seems to me that it is not the same for books, especially in my own experience. I can watch all three godfather movies in one sitting but i read twenty-five pages of church history and i need a nap.
Therefore i think that the influence is huge and is in more homes than not. So maybe another start would to start a revolution of reading.