Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Wierd Moment

So I am sitting in my study, I was trying to pray and my mind wandered to how God has blessed me. To others, God's blessings means one thing or another; for me God has blessed me with a mind and a library. I have noticed that I am kind of a nerd. I really like to read. I like outside stuff, I mean that. But, I have taken vacation to do work that most would not consider as vacation activity. So nonetheless, it is true, I am a nerd. I counted books on hand in my library as 230+-, and that is not counting my western novels or about two or three boxes of books that I have here nor the all the books (which is a lot) that I left at my in-laws when I left to do my graduate work. What I think makes this more significant is that . . . I did not graduate from high school, I got my G.E.D.

And now I am in graduate school with a personal reference library of 230+- books (in my own study). Who would have thought!

I came to one other conclusion as well. I met a pastor, who is still dear to my heart, who always had about five books that he was reading and he told me that his biggest problem was not finishing books. I could not figure this out . . . until today, when I have about five books that I am reading at the same time! I am on the same path. Which means that I have to become more disciplined with my reading or I am going to have a lot of books that are unfinished.

Anyways, today was a wierd moment

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