Saturday, June 7, 2008

I wonder . . .

Oppression is an interesting thing. According to Wikipedia oppression is the act of using power to enpower one group while marginalizing another group, then makes a note that this could happen on individual levels. Wikipedia also states that the term derives from the idea of being weighted down.

I wonder about oppression often. I wonder if there is such a thing as justifiable oppression. Is the actions that are used by businesses to not hire felons a justifiable oppression, simply oppression, or a just act that all felons need to get used to.

If a stat can be said that 95% of felons commit another felony, does that mean that there is something inherint within their dna that will automatically cause them to commit crimes, are they unable to not commit crimes, are they unable to live life within the means of the law? Or does it have something to do with the just act of not being able to find meaningful employment?

I believe that it is a form of oppression. I believe that this oppression can happen on individual levels as well as to a group. I would also add that the legal system and consequences happen differently to different people, that no two people are really treated the same according the ways that the world works.

Some people make it big while others fall. Some peoples dreams are realized while other peoples nightmares are realized. The wicked and deceitful prosper while the righteous are persecuted and are impoverished.

What I am saying to any who read the post, there is oppression in America. And that you should never judge or make judgement on someone's life because of what you may think works for everybody. There is such a thing as the extraordinary.

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